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Wish List



For the Baghdad Amateur Radio Society

You can help!


When these young servicemen heard our broadcast and called in from Iraq it pretty well stopped the show! This has to be the only military amateur radio operation in Iraq! These guys wanted to make contact with the US but had very limited radio resouces. Running 100 watts they just could not make it happen! To encourage them and thank them for there service to our country here is what happened.


TW Antennas volunteered and has shipped a brand new TW2010 with Quadrapad and carry bag.

Bob Heil volunteerd and has shipped headset package.

Captain Hammer wrote us back the following e-mail.


We are all speechless.  I have got to say that the Amateur Radio community is one of the best groups I have ever been a part.  Everyone wants to help everyone else succeed - if only everyone in the world was an Amateur Radio operator we might not be at war today. We will definitely let you know when the equipment arrives and believe me as long as our mission permits, it will all be hooked up just as fast as we can.  I appreciate the generosity. I can also say that the professionalism and sincerety of everyone that my "trainees" have come in contact with has really reinforced their dedication to become licensed Hams as soon as they get home. Don't know how we could possibly thank you enough, but we will certainly make the most out of this Amateur Radio station and the Baghdad Amateur Radio Society as we can. I recently received word that the man who started it all - Giovanni Saraos KF4ESG - may be returning for another tour in Iraq around the time I am scheduled to leave.  If that happens the Society will definitely be in good hands for another year!

73, Jeff N9NIC/YI9NIC


I then wrote Captain Hammer back and asked him for a wish list! Captain Hammer did not want to give us one at first but I insisted! These guys need an HF amplifier!

We must keep the Baghdad Amateur Radio Society on the air as Captain Hammer is mentoring so many new young servicemen in Iraq. We need to show our gratitute for providing us the priviledge of a free, land where we can celebrate Field Day each year!
We all know what ham radio can add to the military career of these unselfish young men!


Here is their Wish List!


If individual amateur, club, group or manufacturer wants to help make this happen please contact us at QSO!


email link to QSO


WEST MOUNTAIN RADIO WISH LIST (in order of importance):
                PWRcrimp Powerpole Crimp Tool
                RigRunner 8012 Complete
                CLRspkr - ClearSpeech(r) DSP Noise Reduction Speaker
                Super PWRgate PG40S Backup Power Package intended for use with RIGrunner

                15A. Powerpole Connector Pack 12 Pair
                30A. Powerpole Connector Pack 12 Pair
                Black/Red Zip Cord 12 Gauge, 50 Feet
                PowerPole Connector to an Icom IC-7000
                LED Light Stick
Laptop computer with serial port, 1.6 GHz or faster, 512 MB or more of memory, 40GB or larger hard drive, and USB 2.0

HF Base Station with desk mic, power supply, and speaker

Linear Amplifier designed to work with any radio or specifically with the request HF radio above

Alpha Delta DELTA-4B Antenna Switch

SingaLink USB with cable for ICOM IC-7000

Crimp-on connector kit with wire stripper/cutter

Roll of grounding braid

SCS PTC-IIUSB with cables for ICOM IC-7000/IC-756PROIII

Pack of snap on ferrite coils

Desktop soldering station designed for working on radio equipment (small electronics)



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